But I managed to this weekend. For some reason, I have been having horrific allergies this year. I didn't ever even think I had allergies, until I moved to a valley, and now they are horrid. I have been taking generic Claritin and that seems to do the trick for the most part. My parents were in town this weekend, and we spent a lot of time outdoors. By the end of Saturday evening, I was on the verge of scratching my eyes out just to stop the incessant itching and stinging. So, we stopped at a store, and I got a contact case, eye drops, and a different kind of allergy medicine. I took it with no problems that night, but when I took two pills the next morning, I drugged myself. I could barely keep my eyes open. We went to brunch, and I just sat there in a catatonic state. I had to go home and sleep for a few hours while T and my parents went to a cheese factory. Only then did I check the box to discover it would cause "marked drowsiness." Oops. I am back on my non-drowsy generic Claritin, and am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning.
It's always a fun time when my parents come in. They don't do anything halfway, so we order two bottles of wine, a few appetizers, big meals, and dessert. I had to take an extra long run last night, so I wouldn't feel disgusting after a weekend of indulgence.
We went to a winery on Sunday, and of course got the big tasting and a wine and cheese plate. T and I also signed up for this farm share program. Every week for 18 weeks, you get fresh, local produce, plus chocolate, bread and wine. It wasn't cheap, but I think it will be worth it.
My mom has paint samples posted up all over the house. She is an interior designer and is helping us paint. I am eyeing a bright lime-greenish-yellow for the living room. She and T are not sold. I just hate the dull beige-type colors. I like a bright, fun room.
Q is spending the day with his grandma today instead of at daycare. She delights him by setting up blocks and letting him knock them down. It's the little things.