Monday, February 26, 2007

Moving on up?

We put an offer in on a home yesterday. It is all in the very preliminary stages, so we don't know if we are actually going to be moving anytime soon, but it is still exciting. We offered pretty low on my dad's advice, and it is contingent on the sale of our current home, which is a very big if. It's kind of a tricky market right now. We are in good shape as buyers but not as sellers. The house we are looking at is far from my dream home, but it does have a lot of nice little touches. It is two-story, with a pantry, a big walk-in closet, two sinks in the master bath. It would be nice. We'll see what happens.

I had a marvelous spa day Saturday, though afterward I felt a little awkward walking around in my robe. I couldn't figure out how to hang up my robe while getting into the steam room, so I briefly flashed the room. No one was around that I know of. It was very relaxing and enjoyable.

Q seems to be a little sick again. Poor little guy. It just makes me ache to see him feeling cruddy all the time. I worry he has asthma or some other breathing problem. It's no fun for any of us when he is this way.


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