I feel like I am saturated with tiredness lately. It's not even always tied to having a new baby. A lot of it is just me being bad and staying up till 2:00 when I have to get up before 7 to teach yoga. Then I guzzle cup after cup of coffee to get through the day leaving my poor belly burning. It's not a pretty cycle.
A co-worker and I hosted an all-girl party this past weekend. It was a lot of fun, though I forgot to pick up three dozen pink cupcakes I ordered. Oh, well. I had that nagging "I am forgetting something" feeling. Q was the only tiny dose of testosterone present. He found himself wrapped in a pink feather boa by the end of the night. His dad was so proud to see the pictures.
Sunday I spent hours asleep. I actually never got out of my pajamas. It didn't feel as good as I hoped. I felt like a useless slug at the end of the day. I am addicted to perpetual motion I think.
This week has been a little frazzling. One co-worker is on a cruise to Mexico (damn him) and another is sick (damn her), so I am working triple-duty. That's okay though because it makes the days go quickly.
Today, we had a real estate open house, so Q and I had to stay away from the house for three hours. We went for coffee and a drive and a walk. No one even showed up to the open house though. Bummer.
T and I were reading about this complaint-free world idea. You can read about it here. The idea is you do not utter a complaint for 21 days. Do you know how hard that is? I briefly considered trying it and lasted about five minutes. What if your complaint is true I wonder? Does it really count then? I am trying to reduce the complaining a bit at least. Baby steps. The creator of the movement says if you focus on all the crappy parts of your life then your life will indeed seem pretty crappy. Makes sense to me.
7 years ago
1 comment:
Okay, I get the not focusing on the crappy parts stuff, but NO COMPLAINTS? What would I talk about? What if it's a snide, sarcastic remark designed to be a complaint, but not technically one?
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