Monday, September 17, 2007

Yoga countdown

I will soon be able to sleep in (kind of) Monday and Wednesday mornings! I have instructors to take over my classes! I can't wait. Just two weeks left of getting up early. It feels long now all of the sudden. October 1st, I will turn over the reigns. A part of me will miss it I am sure, but most of me will enjoy sleeping. I must force myself to do yoga at home those days. There is really nothing better for toning your body.

Tomorrow I have my next eye appointment. I am so hopeful! If all goes well I could be getting my eyeballs sliced and diced this weekend. I couldn't bear to wear my glasses out to the clubs in Vegas, so I wore soft contacts. I am not used to smoking in bars. All that smoke combined with dry, cold casino air made my poor eyes feel like sand paper. I hope that didn't set me back.

Send my corneas good vibes!



Shelli said...

Good luck!!!! Thinking about you.

Sally said...

wow, that seems quick (I'm sure not for you though) as far as surgery. good luck.


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