Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sick and guilty

I was up most of the night coughing. It seems to have moved down in to my lungs because my coughs are really deep and more painful. I was actually in bed for five hours but slept much less than that. I managed to nap a bit later.

I am always conflicted over whether to call in sick. I am the type of person who was really pissed at myself when I got an A-. It is not a good way to live, let me tell you.

So, I was coughing like a madwoman, but I didn't really feel terrible though my voice sounds crappy. I always worry other people will think I am being a wuss, or that I am being lazy and should just suck it up. Do other people have these stupid internal conflicts? It doesn't seem like it, because some people call in sick after sneezing once. I also want to preserve some sick days so I can get paid for part of my maternity leave.

I ended up going in for a half-day. That way everyone is satisfied.



ShannanB said...

I am like you. I really struggle with whether or not I am "sick enough" to stay home. I always go back and forth... feelings of guilt, etc.

It's hard...

Sally said...

Definitely lazy/suck it up! I'm the same....can't call in sick until something's fallen off. I hope you feel better. I can send you some drywall dust ;-)


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