Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Working mama grief

Over the last few days, I have been getting a lot of questions and criticism for being a working mother. It is starting to irritate me.

It started at a work party last weekend. The wife of an older man I work with was asking if I was returning to work after the baby was born. I told her I was. She had many questions about where my sons would go and what a shame it was.

Then at a first birthday party this weekend, more questions. I finally told one woman that I enjoyed working, and I think I always will. I feel like they expect me to say I wish I could stay home, but it just isn't possible. That is not the case. Our lifestyle certainly would be different if only T worked, but if I absolutely wanted to stay home with the children I could.

I am (at least) as smart as T. I earned two college degrees. Why should I stay home just because I am female? It is so irritating to me. T doesn't get these questions. I guess though if he did decide to stay home, he would get the opposite ones.

I had a brief few months right after Q was born, when I wondered if I should stay home, or if I should make that my goal in a few years. But, I figured out pretty quickly that my calling in life is not to be a stay-at-home-mom. In some ways, I wish it were. That would make life simpler and reduce the constant criticism. But, I know I am happier and more fulfilled when I work and have a family. I respect people who do have that gift of being extremely nurturing and motherly to children. I feel like Q almost benefits from being with people like that for a portion of the day, instead of just with his frazzled mama 24/7.

I like that Q sees a strong woman and will know his mom is happy and fulfilled. I have no doubt he will grow up respecting women. It just annoys me that I have to keep defending myself to people. Why do I have to be polite to them when they are not polite to me?



Sally said...

You should have told her you have him crate trained or, if it's a nice day, you leave him on a lead line in the back yard! People kill me with this - and I get the "what do you MEAN no children?" I've developed all sorts of rude, shut-them-up answers. But then I just say nothing, smile, and walk away.

julie said...

There are many, many different kinds of mothers. Some work, some don't. There are good and bad aspects of both. In fact, a study came out not long ago that said working parents actually spend more "quality" time with their kids because they make a concerted effort to make up for the time they miss while they're working. I know I do.

PS: You don't HAVE to be polite to them... the fact that you are just shows you're the better person.


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