Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Many pokes

R had his 2-month appointment today. He got four shots and one oral vaccine. It certainly is overwhelming to see such a tiny person get so many vaccinations. I think you just have to trust modern medicine and do what the latest research shows is right, but it still makes you wonder. Is that really good for a tiny baby? I sure hope so. It is so hard to watch him scream and writhe in pain.

His height and weight are both above average. Q was tiny for so long, so it is quite a change to have a little chubby baby.

I ran outside around 9:00 tonight, and it was just starting to get dark. I love, love these long days. It just feels like you can get so much more done. Is there anywhere on the planet that has these long days year round? If so, I want to move there.


Tuesday: 3 miles 28:45 (slooooooow...still recovering from yesterday's belated long run)


1 comment:

julie said...

I hated the shots, too. It's so sad when they're that little. But, I personally think it's the best thing in the long run.

Oh, and consider yourself tagged. Don't hate me. See my blog for the details. :)


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