Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A funk

I have been in a funk lately. I can't shake it. I am sure it has a lot to do with work frustration. If you are not happy at work, your whole world is a little gray. Work takes up so much of your day and so much of your life that it has to be somewhat enjoyable or it will start to erode everything.

I think about work in the morning before I go in and at home before I go to bed. I chew on my cuticles and stew. It doesn't help that my boss has summoned me for a meeting tomorrow afternoon. Now I am just stewing away about that. Remember how I don't like confrontation? I wish he would have just called me in on the spur of the moment and not informed me a day before, so I wouldn't stress myself out about it.

My work stress is spilling over to the rest of my life. I had an appointment for noon today and was trying to get ready and all forces aligned against me. Baby R was screaming to be fed though he had just eaten an hour ago, and Q was piling all his stuffed animals in my sink. I went to feed R with my hair dripping went, and then Q got mad about something and started screaming and clinging to me. I ended up being almost 20 minutes late for my appointment which I absolutely hate.

I felt overwhelmed by stress and anxiety and really, I was just running late for an appointment. It's not like I was trying to avert nuclear war or performing brain surgery (thank god, because otherwise we would all be screwed). I'm not sure why I am feeling this way lately, but it is about to drive me crazy.
I really need to get it under control. I'll start right after tomorrow's meeting.



Kristen said...

That doesn't sound fun. Good luck, hopefully it all settles after the meeting today. If not, maybe its just another sign that change is in order?
Maybe an East Coast change? Sorry...had to throw that in :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your meeting. I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed and anxious. It seems to be happening a lot lately here, too.

PS: That picture scares me a little.

Sally said...

nothing like the "wait until tomorrow meeting." I don't like those AT ALL. Hang in there.

laus said...

those days are the worst ... i hope tomorrow goes well!

Modern Mama said...

Yes the picture is a little freaky, but it captures my mood these last few days very well!


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