Friday, September 28, 2007

Aimlessly wandering around

Some time last week, I lost my planner. Suddenly, my notes of directions, appointments, reminders, and tasks was gone. I looked everywhere and helpful acquaintances asked, "Where's the last place you left it?" Um, if I knew that....

Today I gave into the realization that my lovely 2007 Moleskin weekly planner was gone. I started to look for a 2007 date book but discovered these are not easy to find. 2008 planners as far as the eye can see featuring everything from dachshunds to outhouses, but not a single 2007 edition to be found. T finally located a blank one. I spent part of the afternoon filling in my dates and calling various places to figure out when I or Q have appointments.

I have felt so naked and disorganized with my planner. I love to write my tasks nice and neatly in there. It gives me some semblance of control. I feel much calmer now with my new book organized and ready to tell me where to go.



Sally said...

I hear you - worse than 'losing' my wallet. Nothing in mine is neat, though, but I have all race flyers (so I know dates, directions, and whether I paid), every little piece of info I' d ever need, plus all that day to day stuff.

That Chick Over There said...

Just thinking about losing my planner makes me feel physically ill. I'm so sorry!


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