Thursday, March 13, 2008

Puppy pain

A seven-pound animal, roughly the size of a large rat, is going to drive me over the edge.

T got a dog run for Ruby. It is basically a line in our side yard that she is attached to, and she has the whole run of the yard. This morning after she pooped and peed on the floor and ate half a plant, we decided it was time to try it out. She happily jogged around for awhile. After about half an hour, I checked on her and discovered that she had somehow squeezed her tiny body under the fence and was stuck in the front yard on this tiny length of line. I am so glad I checked at the time and noticed right away, so animal control wasn't knocking on my door.

I unhooked her and carried her inside. Unfortunately, she was covered in mud and tracked it all over the house and onto our white couches. Sigh. Later, to rub salt into my wounds, she took a giant pee on the kitchen floor. How can such a small body produce such volumes of urine? She is causing me to tear my hair out. Every day with a puppy makes me more of a cat person.



Magstar said...

That nice little turtle looks familiar. As long as it remains urine-free, I am stoked that it's found the perfect fan.

Modern Mama said...

Ha! I was wondering if you would notice that. That is her little buddy! It is going to good use.


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