Thursday, January 25, 2007

Coffee and manicures

My baby wakes up every morning at 7. I stay up till at least 1:30 a.m. watching my tivoed shows after work. This leaves me dripping with tiredness every day and absolutely dependent on caffeine. Yet, I still make it a priority to get a manicure every two weeks and a mani-pedi every month. Some may find that frivolous and a waste of time. Perhaps, I could spend that hour or two napping. Yet, I find it vital. Looking down at my perfectly polished nails and feeling my soft little feet brightens my day. Not to mention the unrivaled bliss of having someone rub your hands and massage your feet and lend an ear to your gossip and complaints. It is one of the aspects of my carefree child-free life I hang onto with both manicured hands. Still to survive, I must exist on cup after cup of coffee. A part of me feels like it is high time I cut back on my caffeine intake, but that is just an impossibility. Plus, I live for cinnamon dolce lattes. If manicures and coffee are my major vices in life, that's all right with me.


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