Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Lazy mama

Does it make me a bad mother that I blew off Q's baby library program this morning? I suppose I could actually still hustle and go, but I just can't bring myself to do it today. In my defense, I did already go to one session and now am driving to the next town to do another session. Does it make me a bad mother that T and I argued over who had to go get Q this morning when he was crying? Should I bound out of bed and rush to scoop him up? I eventually won the battle of wits and T went to feed the little guy cereal. Can you tell I am feeling a little guilty this morning? Q is bouncing in the doorway right now in his Tigger exerciser. He loves that thing. He is still smiling and cooing at his mother. He doesn't know she is a lazy mama this morning.

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