Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blah day

Not the best day ever. I had trouble motivating myself. I did get a manicure and pedicure this morning, which was a bright spot. But, then the coffee shop next door did not have the cinnamon-swirly things I like. I had to settle for a random raspberry-bar type thing that did not compare. T dropped off Q at the nail salon, who had not yet had a nap and was fussy. Both of us took long naps when we got home. So, instead of taking a rejuvenating run, I was a waste of space on the couch. At least I am not tired tonight though. That is a small bonus.

Work started with an irritating email from a co-worker. Then we had a meeting about all the changes in store for the station. Nothing was really resolved. I had to do a barbecue segment in one newscast despite the fact that I am a vegetarian. Lots of, "Mmm, that looks so delectable," when I was thinking, "Ew. I hope he doesn't notice I am not touching it." I did enjoy the veggie skewers though.

My fabulous work day was capped off with a riveting hour and a half DVD on non-linear editing. It is clear as mud now.

I am looking for a nice glass of wine tonight to wash my blah day away. On the upside, the cable guy comes tomorrow. Yay! DVR returns! How have I lived?


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