Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Should I be barefoot and pregnant?

My special project aired tonight. I tried to disguise my very large pregnant belly with a black maternity suit, but once you are the size of a beach ball, there is not much you can do. My suit was actually a bit snug, and it was obvious for all to see that I was expecting. Of course, I am entirely proud of that fact and not the least bit ashamed or convinced I should be retiring to the shadows in my "delicate condition."

Usually I am mostly hidden behind a desk, but in this special I was standing and walking around. The special went well, and I was happy with how it turned out. We discussed a lot of good issues, and I put a lot of hard work into it.

While it was airing tonight, a co-worker of mine took a call from a drunk man who took exception to my appearing pregnant in public. He repeatedly said I shouldn't be "on my feet" and that I was "a baby machine" and "should be put out to pasture." His words stunned and chilled me. I am not often exposed to that kind of ridiculous sexism, so when I am it makes my blood boil.

My husband and I wanted to have a family. I clearly am the only one of us who can do it, so why should I have to stay huddled in my home during this time? I shouldn't let the opinions of one crazy, drunk man bother me, but it is hard not to be steamed. I have no doubt I am more intelligent and talented than him, so why does he feel somehow superior because I can carry a child?

Though I am glad we don't live in the 1950's, sometimes I worry we haven't come as far as we think.



Sally said...

jerk! I, too, wonder how far we've (not) come. A guy my age asked me if I didn't have kids because I ran too much and "damaged organs?" Is that myth still around? He almost died when I told him I have sisters that run until (practically) the births of their children. Weak, dude, just weak.

julie said...

Ignore the stupid drunk man. I, for one, am glad he's not the one reproducing.


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