Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Joining the masses

Wow. I have become sucked into the Facebook frenzy. I have never partaken until now, but I got an email from a friend I knew 15 years ago referencing someone he had found on Facebook, and I decided to dive in. It is like quicksand! It keeps pulling you in deeper! Who do I know from high school? What about my hometown? The town I used to live in? Now I understand what all the fuss is about. However, I refuse to join the MySpace trend. I just feel too old for that one.


Baby R and I had a movie moment this morning. I was tossing him up in the air happily listening to his can probably guess what happened next. He barfed all over me in mid-air. It was on my face and in my hair and all over my robe. Ick. Thankfully I hadn't showered yet. AND my mouth was closed.



Sally said...

bwahahaha. I got sucked into FB too. But am stalwart in my refusal of all things myspace. I actually got a message last night from Julie Powell - who I lived next door to in 1974. (We'd kept in touch then lost touch) Spooky. Nice puke story.

Shelli said...

Yeah, I'm there too... click on the link in my blog to friend me.

I just got in tough with a high school friend I haven't talked to in 15 years! Bizarre, but very cool.

Kristen said...

I hear you on Facebook. It's addicting! I also agree on myspace, I used to have an account but have since canceled. it. I'm definitely requesting you as a friend :)


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