Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Lots of changes are going on around me. It is a weird state of flux. I don't think I like it. Our boss is leaving to take a job higher up in the company, and now the speculation begins over who will replace him. It makes me a little uneasy, because you never know if the new person will like you as much as the person that hired you. With the move and job craziness it is all a little overwhelming. T is especially out of sorts with the transition, because he is interested in management and wonders if this could be his chance to move up.

Weaning Q is not going exactly as planned. The problem is, he is not exactly on board. Yesterday was election day, and T and I both had to work late. Q went to a co-worker's house after day care. We picked him up close to midnight, and then he was wide awake. We tried to give a bottle, but he was not having it. At this rate he will be nursing until his high school prom. He is just barely 1, so I guess I should give the transition a little time to take, but I would definitely like my body to get back to normal. He is also getting a little clingy and fusses a bit when handed over to a stranger. I must say, I kind of like it. I like to be preferred.


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