Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I like to eat

A sign in my gym says "60 to 80% of your fitness goals come from nutrition." This is depressing to me since I like to eat a lot. I manage to stay in pretty good shape, but it is a constant battle. That sign is now burned into my head, and I am making a valiant effort to eat less. The problem is when you eat less you are hungry!

This problem is compounded, because I have less time to exercise now. I napped this morning, and when I woke up, I had two hours to change Quinn, give him lunch (which is s-l-o-o-o-w), eat lunch myself, get my 736 bags ready, exercise, and get ready for work. Plus, squeeze in watching a little of the Marth Stewart show on TV. Mock if you must, but she has good tips. Anyway, long story shot, I could only manage to run for 15 minutes on the treadmill.

So, I had a small lunch and brought dried apricots for a snack. I am STARVING. Stupid gym sign.


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