Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hello, Jack

There is my handsome new little nephew! He looks like he is two months old already! I am excited to see him next week. Babies are so exciting, aren't they?

My baby is having a particularly hard time pooping right now. He is sitting next to me putting forth a great deal of effort. I'll have to check out the outcome in a few minutes. It might not be pretty.

I had a huge frustration at work last night. I disagreed with one of our managers about how we were covering a particular story. It really angered me. She is relatively new to the business, and I just don't see eye to eye with her often. I wrote her a long email about it last night after she had gone home. We'll see what comes of that.

Our new boss comes on Monday, and I find that comforting. He has a lot of experience and will be able to set her straight I think.

I am having a dilemma right now in the classic work-versus-family battle. I am interested in applying for this international exchange completely funded by the Rotary, but I also am about ready to think about having another baby. I probably can't do both right now, yet I won't know if I will actually be able to go on the month-long trip for at least another six months. You always end up having to choose don't you? At least women do. Men aren't the ones having to dedicate their bodies to the development of their family. And, men wouldn't be judged as harshly for leaving their babies for a month to advance their careers. Such a dilemma. I am sort of just moving forward right not with the application and waiting to see what happens. I hope something makes up my mind for me.

For now, it's time to go see about a poopy diaper.



Sally said...

ype, may as well keep your options open and make the hard decisions with everything open/available. Given the size of Jack, I'm going to have to demote Q to backup quarterback on my 2020 Packers offensive line - unless he starts walking soon :-)

Shelli said...

He is so cute, congrats Auntie!


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