Monday, July 30, 2007

Scary news

When I did my skin cancer series last month, it struck a chord with T and me. I decided to swear off the sun after years of exposure, and T decided he should finally go to the dermatologist to get his skin checked. His father has had a melanoma removed, and T has practically transparent skin. On our honeymoon to Barbados, he burned to a crisp and had to cower under palm trees the rest of the vacation.

T made an appointment and was seen right away because of a cancellation. The dermatologist examined every inch of him and decided to remove a slightly large mole on his back. T has had other moles removed, so this wasn't overly alarming. Though he was a bit surprised they just wheeled him in, cut the sucker out, and stitched him up just like that.

Today, the doctor's office called to give him an update. It's a melanoma.

He will have to go in for surgery to make sure it is all removed. He will be completely fine, and it is still very superficial. It is just scary to think, what if he hadn't gotten checked for a long time? Scary.



Sally said...

yikes. I should go in one of these days pero no me gustan los doctores.

Kristen said...

Not the best family trait....thank goodness for your story and that T caught it in early will all work out. I'll be thinking of you guys.

Unknown said...

Thank god you made him go! I sense a trend: a story about the March of Dimes and preemies and Q was early. A story about skin cancer and T has it. I think you need to do a story about winning the lottery next! I'm thinking about you guys. Have fun at the family reunion and good luck with your speech!

Modern Mama said...

Good idea! I will have to test this theory. So far it has only worked for bad things!


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