Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Serene birth, maybe?

My birth experience with Q did not exactly go as planned. My water broke at 34 weeks, or rather slowly leaked out, so I didn't even realize what was going on until a day later. At that point, the doctor wanted to speed things up to reduce the chance of infection.

I felt wonderful through the first few hours of labor, but then when I got a double-dose of pitocin, the contractions were pretty excruciating. I got an epidural, and Q came shortly after. I was glad to avoid a Cesarean section but had hoped for a bit more of a peaceful experience. I am not talking silent Scientologist birth, but just something a bit more enjoyable.

This time around, I am dabbling in the idea of hypnobirthing. The idea is to reduce the fear associated with giving birth and thereby reduce the pain. A part of me is still skeptical and open to an epidural, but I think it is worth a try. I am now reading the book and looking into classes. I'll let you know how it goes.

I had my prenatal appointment and ultrasound today and did my glucose test and two tests to check for premature labor. One involved the curling iron device I mentioned in a previous post. It still wasn't enjoyable, but at least I knew what was coming this time. Everything is right where it should be.

My hips and pelvis have still been aching continuously. I complained to my doctor today, and she referred me to a physical therapist. Hopefully that will help things. You'd think after millions of years this would all be simpler.



Sally said...

That's why we need more female docs/research scientists...then it would be easier. I still vote for the scifi silent birth. Just cause I don't have to try it ;-)

Modern Mama said...

Is that the same as hypnobirthing? I'd love to hear how it went for you. I have a book and a CD. Did you have more than that? There are classes in the Applegate, but I don't think I will be able to make them.
Thanks for your input.

Modern Mama said...

I'd love to borrow your materials if you wouldn't mind. I'd return them in case you ever change your mind. ;) That program seems easier to do at home on your own then hypnobirthing. I am reading the book, and it continuously refers to the classes.
Did it work out the way you planned? Did you have a c-section?


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