Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Poor R does in fact appear to have acid reflux or GERD. Poor little guy. I took him to the doctor today, and he got a Zantac prescription. Hopefully that will soothe his belly and maybe even stem the flood of spit-up.


T was gone today from 8 a.m. till 9:30 p.m. A long day for him means a long day for me. He has an even longer day tomorrow. I can't wait. (Note sarcasm)


I have to say I am pretty bummed that Hillary Clinton lost the nomination tonight. I know Barack Obama's nomination will be a historic moment, and I am proud of that, but a major part of me was hoping for a female president. It's about time.


Tuesday: 3 miles (on treadmill)



Magstar said...

I agree about Hillary. I guess part of me is holding out for a VP title. It says a lot that a woman made it this far. Lets not forget what a close race it really was!
Chelsea Clinton 2028!

Shelli said...

Yeah, me too on the Hillary thing. I'm kinda sad it's over. This was the first time I ever went out of my way to really support a presidential candidate!


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