Anyway, I was nursing R when he grunted and made a loud poo. He is quite boisterous when pooping, so this is nothing new, but then I felt a warm, wet sensation on my leg. I thought perhaps it was a little leak, but no. It was all up his back and coating his shorts. It was dripping down the front and back of my thigh and soaking into the upholstery of the chair. It absorbed into my nursing cover and burp cloth. I had to use about 85 wipes to clean up everything, and R had to go pants-less. A very nice nurse scrubbed it out of the chair. Later I was finding the mustard-colored goo everywhere. I even had to scrub it off the face of my watch. It is amazing what you can get used to.
I have been tagged by Julie. This is kind of a lot of work! I will comply to the best of my ability.
- Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
- Tag 7(ish) people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
- Let your victims know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on each of their blogs.
Seven facts about me:
1. I got third place in my six-grade spelling bee. I missed the word "executive."
2. I started getting gray hair in high school.
3. I had hip dysplasia as a baby and had to wear a brace for awhile. I later put in on my Cabbage Patch kid.
4. I detest mushrooms. That sucks when you're a vegetarian.
5. I had a duodenal ulcer when I was nine. I was kind of a stressed-out little kid.
6. I did 27 shots on my 21st birthday. Now the thought of doing a shot makes me want to barf.
7. I have a huge problem with falling asleep in cars. Not a big deal if you are a passenger, but I used to have to pull over in rest stops or take caffeine pills to make the 500-mile drive home from college.
Now I tag: Maggie, Shelli, and Annie. That's good enough for my first time.
Is this tagging some kind of gang initiation? I am scared.
But, the fact you had a brace is pretty interesting.
okay. tmi. especially for those of us whose "kids" have nice round turds - hopefully in the litterbox! Pretty much ditto for all of your tags for me - except that I got first in the spelling bee!
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