Friday, May 25, 2007


Someone had his first taste of peanut butter today! That stuff sticks to the top of your mouth! Apparently, he is not allergic. At least, he didn't swell up and start gagging, so I assume he isn't allergic.

"So You Think You Can Dance" was most excellent last night. I especially enjoy the scraggly-haired guy who calls himself "Sex" and brings his mom along to the auditions. Slight bit of delusion there.

Also, Rosie is out. ABC announced today she will not be returning to "The View" to finish the remaining three weeks of her contract. I work at an ABC affiliate that broadcasts "The View." We have been getting some vicious phone calls about her. I just can't understand the feeling that free speech only applies if what they say agrees with you.

T and I actually have a three-day weekend like normal people! That is unheard of. We have to go to a parade tomorrow morning and wave and smile, but after that we are pretty wide open. I am going to cash in my free pair of shoes that was part of my Mother's Day present. That will be most excellent.

I leave you with another sticky-mouthed peanut butter moment.
-- MM


Sally said...

So that's how you test for allergies...wait for the gagging and swelling?! Glad you had a real "long weekend."

julie said...

The first peanut butter is fun! Just wait til you add the jelly. Sticky, sticky!


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