Monday, March 17, 2008

Preggers pictures

We got pregnancy pictures taken today. I really wanted to get them last time, but Q popped out before I even scheduled a session. This time, though, we made it. I pictured precious poses with Q kissing my belly. But, you have to suspend all expectations when you have a toddler involved. He refused to let go of the two tennis balls he was holding, so any picture we managed to drag him into features two tightly-gripped tennis balls. I guess that captures his persona.

Shortly after we got home, he fell and scraped up his poor little nose and forehead. He looks a mess, poor little thing. At least it happened after our photo session.

We also ventured out to Costco today. It is a new experience for me. There were $31,000 diamond rings next to trees, dog food, and bulk cereal bars. Such an odd place. I think if you are choosy you can get some great deals, but it is easy to get sucked into thinking, "Of course I need seven pounds of Wheat Thins." We ended up spending more than $100, and we still had to get most of our list at the regular grocery store. That said, we won't need oatmeal until 2013.



Sornie said...

I'd love to venture into Costco just to see what a 3 ton barrel of flour looks like.

julie said...

I am not a Costco fan. If I had six kids, it would probably be helpful. I love their cakes, though (not thinking about it... not thinking about it).

Good for you for getting pregnancy photos done. They are so beautiful. I didn't do it, but a friend of mine did and they are so nice to have.


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