Friday, November 14, 2008

Craving a little recognition

I finished a project I was very proud of this week. I did a couple of stories on composite sketches of suspects. I put a lot of time into the project while also doing my regular job. I was very happy with the final result and has one of those rare experiences in which I actually recognize a job well done. I tend to focus a little too obsessively on what I could have done right.

The stories aired yesterday, and today when I came into work, I hoped at least for a tiny bit of acknowledgement from my bosses. At least to know they had at least watched the stories. You guessed it -- not a word. I was frustrated and aggravated. What crappy management. It is such a competitive environment as well, that many of my co-workers wouldn't dream of actually complimenting another person. I try to go out of my way to acknowledge what other people do, but apparently other people don't feel the need to do the same.

I have to keep reminding myself that I know I did a good job. But it sure would be nice to know someone else felt the same way.


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