Sometimes Q scares me a little. We are all still a little sick, so that makes him cranky, plus he has been extremely over-tired lately. When he gets like that, he is an utterly crazy child. He screams and cries and almost hyperventilates. He demands his seal and then his blanket and then doesn't want either one of them. He wants to go night-night but really he doesn't. He is hungry but he doesn't want anything to eat. He wants up. He wants down. It is a crazy thing to watch his confused, over-tired little mind trying to work.
The only time an adult would be that desperate and emotional was if he were begging for his life. Toddler brains are hard to understand. They are just little balls of emotion and uncontrolled energy. Last night, Q was having one of his now-familiar meltdowns. I tried to stay calm myself as he writhed, squealed, and occasionally pummelled me. Brushing his teeth was the biggest challenge of the night, but eventually I gated him in his room and at long last he stretched out, thumb in mouth for some much needed night-night.
This morning, the crazy child was back. Apparently he hadn't gotten enough sleep. Neither did his mama. I was coughing all night and barely slept. I had a luncheon to go to but had an awful morning. Q was coming unhinged, R fussed in his high chair waiting for his pureed carrots, and I needed to tend to the dog.
I decided to just get done what I could and then try to make it to the luncheon on time. I half got ready, not even brushing my teeth, and hustled downstairs to meet the child care provider. She wasn't there. She apparently thought she was supposed to be there an hour later. I did not want to be late to the luncheon because it included a surprise award presentation. I strapped the kids in the car, called T, and told him to meet me at the luncheon to take over the children. Q had a poop in his pants and no shoes on. It was not my best morning.
Eventually, the kids were successfully handed off to T and then the childcare provider. I made it to the luncheon a little late, but not too late. And I did return home afterward to brush my teeth and finish making myself presentable.
I really hope this weekend brings me at least one night of cough-free sleep and a calmer, happier Q.
7 years ago
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