Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight addiction

Read the book. Saw the movie. The book was much better, but the movie wasn't bad at all. That might have something to do with "Edward" and "Jasper" in the movie. I now have the next book in the series, New Moon. I can't wait to delve into it tonight.

It is a bit strange being totally involved in series beloved by girls half my age, but it is just good. If you are skeptical, give it a try. I sure was. Harry Potter did not interest me in the least, but something about these books is captivating.



Sally said...

Was that you I saw on the news, camping out in line for the movie?!

laus said...

I have been so hesitant to read the book too! Everyone at work is obsessed, but I hate vampires. Kris just started the book and loves it. Perhaps I'll give it a try after all!

Kristen said...

I concur. I love it...started the book and saw the movie which i loved. So i have been told I'll love the book even more. Also heard the second was really good...but really weird. Enjoy!!


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