Thursday, April 26, 2007

Closing time

We are closing on both houses tomorrow. Yay! It hasn't been easy and has been a little unsettling to be in this limbo, but everything is working out as I knew it would.

Somehow, we will be renting from our new owners, and the sellers will pay for it, but no money will change hands. Or something like that. Looks like moving day is May 10, which is much better than this weekend, let me tell you.

I tried to skip taking a nap yesterday and survive on sub-5 hours sleep. I felt a strange energy the entire day and was actually up till 2 a.m. after waking at 6:30 a.m. Today, I crashed and burned. I couldn't drag myself away from my nap this morning, and then had to rush around to make several appointments. Sometimes I think will never catch up or be on time, and I am probably right.


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