Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pumping countdown

Q will be 1 in less than a month. That means my milk pumping time will come to an end.

I was very dedicated to nursing when he was born. It was a huge challenge since he was premature and didn't take to it immediately. He had to be fed through a tube, and I had to constantly pump. I started to feel a bit like a dairy cow. My goal was to make it to six months.

When I went back to work, I created a little station with a chair and stool in the handicapped bathroom stall. I go in there every day around 4:15 and do my business. My co-workers are used to the swoosh-swoosh sound by now.

When I hit six months, I decided to try for a year. That will mean I don't have to ever buy formula, and I will be in accordance with the guidelines for the American Academy of Pediatrics. I tend to be a very anxious and perfectionist and guilty mom, so you understand my over thinking all of this.

At one point, I had 35 small bottles of frozen breast milk in my freezer. My supply has dwindled to two. I can not wait to put that giant pumping box in storage until the next little one. I will miss the closeness, and his big eyes looking up at me. I will not miss his tendency to pinch now and stretch painfully away from me. I think I will ween him slowly, so I can dump the pump, but continue a few daily nursing sessions.

I do definitely feel a certain sense of pride for sticking through all the pumping, the late nights, and the nursing in the car in parking lots. I hope he appreciates it.


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