Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day care dilemma

We have a small problem with child care this week. Our daycare provider has a funeral today and tomorrow, so we are in the lurch. T went to work early today, and then we made the Q hand off. T is lucky because whenever we need someone to cover child care, he works a short day. Poor tired mom still has to work her full day. Guess she is just more important. Are you reading this T?

I can't feel the first little bumps of his tooth popping through! It is about time, as he is almost one! I keep poking my finger in his mouth to feel it, and I think he is getting quite annoyed.

He got another raspy cough this week. T took him back to the doctor for about the 7,467th time this year. The doc said he looks fine but might be developing croup again. Poor tiny thing. He said RSV really seems to have done a number on him.

Have you tried Amy's frozen meals? They are healthy and vegetarian, and I love them. They are a bit pricey for frozen but run you the same as a fast food meal. I highly recommend a stash for the days when you can't pack a lunch. I experience that quite often.
Tomorrow I have my mani/pedi appointment. So wonderful, though I wish I didn't have to get up early to go. Lucky T will get to work a half day again to stay with Q.


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