Friday, July 13, 2007

Technology chaos

My brain is ill-equipped to handle technology. I muddle through enough to have a blog and a Blackberry, but that is about the extent.

Most of the details of our new switchover at work completely elude me. It all went down today on Friday the 13th, unfortunately. It did not go as badly as it could have, but it was far from perfectly smooth. We had some glitches here and there, but our viewers probably didn't even know the difference. We have now leapt into the 1990's. It is good to be catching up to just about every other television station in the country. Now everything is run off a server and no tapes are involved. Everything looks clearer, but there is a lot of room for error. I am sure we will discover all the various ways to massively screw things up in the coming days.

It was nice to have a morning with nothing scheduled. Q and I ate breakfast and took naps. It was lovely.

I got some of my ordered Forever 21 clothes. The purchase is nearly guiltfree, because they are so inexpensive. I got a lovely black and cream tunic, a white halter dress, and a babydoll dress with tiny apples on it. That might have to be worn to our ice cream social tomorrow. I love new clothes.

Three new addictions: "What Not to Wear" on TLC and "Everyday Italian" on Food Network. I have always loved both those shows but have become especially addicted to them lately. Also Parent Dish. Good stuff.

We lost Q's stuffed harbor seal the other day. I was pretty bummed about it, because we got it at the Seattle Aquarium, and he loved to clutch it in his crib. We think we left it at a balloon rally last weekend. T ordered a new one, and it just arrived at work. Unfortunately, it is slightly larger than the first one. I guess it is the 16" model as opposed to the 12". It is going to be as big as him! I guess he will have to grow into it.


1 comment:

Sally said...

Doesn't Giada's very large head freak you out though? I think she looks a little too lollipop-ish. At least she can cook, though...don't get me started on Rachael Ray...


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