Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Playing catch up

I am reading Barbara Walters' memoir Audition right now, and it is very thought-provoking. She made great strides for women in broadcasting and paved the way for women like me. It is alarming to hear the criticism and doubt she faced even from her co-anchor Harry Reasoner. So many people thought that just because she had two X chromosomes she was somehow deficient. She crushed those stereotypes and quickly rose through the ranks of broadcast journalism. However, she writes of her constant feelings of self-doubt during her lifetime and how she felt that she was constantly auditioning.

Decades after the height of her career, women in broadcasting have come a long way. Now women outnumber men in journalism school and newsrooms around the country. Still subtle forms of sexism remain. Often when I would be working on a project with my husband, people would assume I was assisting him instead of the other way around. Also, when I was pregnant on-air, a man called the newsroom saying I should be "put out to pasture." That particular incident was absolutely sickening to me. I am lucky that those occurrences are rare and not an everyday challenge like Walters and other women faced, but that man showed that women still occupy a lower rung of society in many people's eyes.

I publicly remain neutral in politics because of my career, but a large part of me hoped Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee for President and eventually would win the White House. Though she has accomplished more than any other female politician in history, there were still shades of sexism during this campaign. It is so disheartening and frustrating.

I can't even comprehend the opinion that women (or other races for that matter) are somehow inferior. One reason I am glad I am the mother of sons is that I will have the opportunity to teach them to utterly respect and appreciate women.

I think our country missed a great opportunity this year. I only hope a woman will rise to the top again very soon for the benefit of all of us.



Magstar said...

I agree with your post one hundred percent. I, too, am saddened by the news of Hillary's defeat. I remain hopeful and optimistic that this won't be the last we hear of her. I also believe if the media gave Hillary a fighting chance, the outcome would have been different :(

Shelli said...

Amen! You hit the nail on the head.

I work in an industry/company that has come a long way since the 70's and 80's and the "good old boys" network. Women like myself are now in senior positions in part due to our older sisters who paved the way over the last few decades.

I loved the part you mentioned about teaching your boys how important respect is.

Great post MM...


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