Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Selfish at work

November sweeps is coming up, where we pull out all the stops, and do big in-depth series and specials to lure viewers. I pitched a pretty good idea for a series of stories to one of my bosses. I wanted to explore how big of a problem prescription drug abuse is in our area, and why it is such a problem here.

I had been thinking about it for awhile, ever since I heard an interview on NPR. I thought about who I would interview and how I would put it together. One of my bosses had already assigned me another project on bullies. So, she thought it would be over-working me for me to do both. She wanted to hand my idea to another reporter, and I could "mentor" her through it. I was less than excited by this prospect. After all, it was my idea, and I know I would have to do ton of work, and she would get the credit. She's a very nice person, and I like working with her, but I just hate to hand over the story.

Now, I wonder if I am being selfish or if I just have pride in my work? The latest arrangement is that we are sharing the series, and I will teach her as we go. I wish I could just help her with her own piece, and her own idea, instead of giving up my own. I am sure I am being a brat, but it is just irritating the hell out of me.

Anyway, work is going to be the farthest thing from my mind for the next few days. We are off to our anniversary trip tomorrow. I have an 80-minute massage awaiting me. Excellent.



Sally said...

Some call it selfish. I call it pride of idea ownership. Have fun on your trip!

julie said...

I would be irritated, too. I must say, however, that it is a very ambitious project, so maybe it would save you a lot of grief to pawn it off on someone else. :) It's hard to get "real" people to talk about drug abuse, especially Rx drugs. They often slip past the "addict" label because it doesn't fit the common stereotype of drug abuse.

Prescription drug abuse really is a huge problem around here, though. Way more common than meth, and affecting people from all socio-economic backgrounds. But again, it's hard to get people to admit it and talk about it. It would be great to shed more light on it.

PS: November was always my favorite sweeps month!


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