Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Yoga and Cheetos

A woman approached me in yoga this morning to ask if I would be willing to teach yoga to her husband's high school volleyball teams. She says it would be about 50 high school girls. She asked what I would charge. I wasn't sure how to respond. I've never faced that question before. I think I will do it though. It certainly should be interesting. Maybe I will become a yoga entrepreneur and get rich and retire. Maybe.

I am obsessed with the song "Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional. If you have not partaken, please do. You will not regret it. I become obsessed with songs and then I must listen to them repeatedly until I am sick of them. I am the same way with food. My latest obsession is Natural Cheetos. They are wonderful, cheesy, puffy bits of goodness. I took them to my moms' group this morning and said they were "healthy Cheetos." If they say natural, they must be healthy right?



Sally said...

cheesey poofs? I think the obsession/abandonment runs in the family -- I go on sandwich/pasta salad/insert food here streaks until I get sick of said food.

julie said...

I am the same way with both food and music. It's a curse.

The yoga thing sounds like it could be fun. But would it be all 50 girls at once?! Whoa!


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