To backtrack a little, we went on our anniversary weekend on Thursday. We stayed at a beautiful lodge along the Columbia River Gorge in Southern Washington. T and I both got massages shortly after we arrived. My mind was racing, and I felt like I couldn't relax my body, but it was still very enjoyable.

It was about a 3 and a half hour drive, and I had a nice sick, nervous feeling the entire way. When I got to the hotel where the interview was held, a woman greeted me in the lobby. Then she led me into the judgement room. It was absolutely the most intimidating interview I have ever had. Fifteen people were seated at tables in a horseshoe shape facing my little table.
When I sat down, the first question was in Spanish. The woman was so far away, and I haven't used my Spanish in a good six years. I couldn't understand her. My heart started beating faster and my stomach felt a little sicker. I asked her to repeat herself, and still couldn't understand all of what she said. I answered what I thought she might have said, but I may have been way off the mark. Another question I didn't do particularly well on involved what all I knew about Argentina. T suggested maybe I should have researched that a bit more. Good point.
They went around the room asking a total of 21 questions. When I left, one interviewee said I did a very good job. Apparently not good enough though.
I nervously waited for the call and heard around 9:00 p.m. last night. I definitely wonder why I wasn't chosen, and why I wasn't good enough. But, to be honest, a huge part of me is relieved. I knew I had to apply because it was ideal for me, but I'd hate to leave my family for a month, and my boss didn't want me to go. Plus, I have something else in the works for next summer, and this would completely get in the way of those plans.
So, I think it is good that I tried. That horrific interview was a good experience because nothing could seem intimidating after that. I put myself out there and gave it my best shot, but things are working out as they probably should.
At least you tried! and you'll have no regrets.
Wow, what a breathtakingly beautiful picture. Sounds like you made the most out of your weekend anyway!
Good for you for trying, I never would have had the courage! Everything works out for a reason :) It sounds like your weekend was awesome, I hope your hips are feeling better!!
shoulda scheduled the massage for after the hike from hell. that does sound like a nightmare interview. Sorry you didn't get it. What's in the works for next summer?
I'm sorry about the interview, I am sure 2 men in your house are happy you will be sticking around to keep them in line! Can't wait to find out what is in your plans for next summer???
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