Q had his regular doctor's visit today. He of course still isn't walking yet, so it was a bit discouraging. The pediatrician was very vague about everything. He said it could all mean nothing and Q will be a rocket scientist who runs marathons some day. Or it could mean Q didn't get enough oxygen right at birth since he was premature and now is delayed.
It's hard to know how to take it. He referred us to two specialists from a big university hospital who come to town a couple times a year. He said they will examine him and might suggest an MRI or some other course of action. Real comforting, huh? He said he didn't think he had any of the common syndromes, because he was a cute baby and didn't have a distinctive look to him. I guess that was meant to make us feel better, but it didn't.
You never expect you will have anything less than a smart, perfect little baby, so it is a bit alarming when it turns out otherwise. We'll just keep chugging along and see what they say. It is a frustratingly slow process though. Specialists from the school district were supposed to contact us to arrange sessions to work with Q, but we have heard nothing. I guess budgets keep getting cut, and since Q isn't any sort of drastic case, he is at the end of the list.
As we were discussing Q's shortfalls, he was happily smiling away in the corner. Then he got a flu shot and was very unhappy. Later when I was brushing his teeth, I noticed a molar is growing in as well. Poor tough little guy.
I have a busy weekend which I hate. I like to have two days with nothing scheduled except naps and TV watching. We have a work event tomorrow night, and I am getting my hair done for it. I never do that except for my own wedding and prom, so that should be fun. Sunday, I have to help clean up from that event, Q has his 18-month pictures, and I have to present my work project that night at 11. Busy, busy weekend. Hopefully, I will be able to squeeze in a few naps.
7 years ago
1 comment:
you and the naps ;-). I guess that pregnancy's a pretty good excuse though! I didn't beat the Kenyans yesterday - came in #66 in my AG.
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