Thursday, November 1, 2007

Stinky Halloween

Q was a stinky little skunk for Halloween. Last year he was a lobster. We like to do unusual costumes as you can see. Some day he will demand to be a Power Ranger or something, so at least we temporarily have control.

I dressed him up to go to daycare, but he quickly lost his headdress and feet. T and I took him to the mall afterward to trick or treat. The little kids dominate that place. We actually saw three other skunks. Who would have thought?

My first big project for this month is out of the way. It aired last night. I was proud of how it turned out. Just three more to go!



Shelli said...

Very cute!!

Sally said...

Congrats on the project. Love the costume. Rojito is getting ultrasounded right now - checking account is getting flushed down the toilet!

julie said...

Adorable! He looks like he had fun. We didn't get to do Halloween because Polly was sick. Oh, well.

PS: Your series is great.

ShannanB said...

Very cute. I lilke fun costumes too. I dressed the B-man up as a chicken. He loved it. The only problme we had (not something he noticed) was that all of the grandmas in our neighborhood kept calling him a "cute little girl."

Thank goodness he's to little to understand....


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