Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Q has graduated from shrimp to kipper in swimming lessons! Finally! He flunked shrimp once before, but now he is moving on up. He still has to conquer kipper, perch, and advanced perch before he can even advance out of the parent-tot classes. So, he's not exactly swimming laps, but he can go underwater without drowning. That's progress! I can't wait until he can take the swimming lessons where I just sit on the side and read while he splashes around. I could do without climbing into a cold pool on these chilly mornings.

I think probably just about everyone in class passed, but I was still so proud for some reason. It is one of his bigger accomplishments in his short life! As I was bragging to another mom in the locker room, Q fell off the bench and bumped his head. Oops.



Sally said...

Yeah Q! Kipper, hey? Who gets to select the class names? Probably some guy whose mom let him fall off a bench in the locker room and hit his head when he was little ;-)

Kristen said...

Just as long as he doesn't learn from T....have you seen the guy swim???

Congrat's Q!!


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