Friday, May 9, 2008

Home alone

Staying at home is very isolating. Everyone keeps asking me if I am dreading going back to work, but a big part of me is looking forward to it. Is that horrible? I am just not at my best when I am at home. I am so tired that I want to sleep all day, but then I drink too much coffee and am wide awake. But if I do nap, I feel like a failure for not getting enough done. Our child care provider takes Q on some days, and I feel guilty that I am farming him out. The house is a mess, and half the time I want to strangle the dog because she keeps pooping on the floor. This is exhausting! I think going back to work will be a relief! I just have not figured out the correct balance yet. The day I do strike it right will probably be my first day back at the office.


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