Sunday, May 25, 2008


I ran six miles today. I averaged ten-minute miles which is a full minute slower than usual, but it felt great the entire run. I am considering running a marathon in September in Lake Tahoe. I haven't registered yet, because I am nervous about squeezing in the training and about how my body will respond so soon after giving birth. The training starts this week. We will see how it goes. It certainly can't hurt to work toward it. Especially since my weight loss has pretty much plateaued. I guess the actual pregnancy-related weight is already gone and now these are the extra pounds I put on. Not good.

When I was teaching group exercise classes, I did yoga and Pilates three times a week. Now I am not doing it at all, and I definitely think my body is missing. Today I ordered two ten-minute DVDs for yoga and Pilates. I figure ten minutes is a lot better than nothing.


T and I just ordered something from The Something Store. You send in ten dollars, they send you something. Probably stupid, but we thought it was interesting. I'll let you know what we get.


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